Monthly Sacred Repose Satsang is every last Saturday of the month at 9am Pacific Time.
The satsang includes short discussion of key sacred repose teachings including teachings not covered by the workshop, practices, and an open-eye repose transmission.
To register please send me an email:
If you can't attend live, the satsangs is recorded.
The donation for each class, live or recorded, is $20 - $30 USD sliding scale. All 2024 sessions can be purchased for $108.
2024 sessions (available for purchase):
Jun 29: “Reposing in soft body, soft breath, soft awareness”
Jul 27: “Reposing in the central channels through mantra”
Aug 31: “Reposing in effortlessness and ease”
Sep 28: “Toroidal fields merging in the heart center”
Oct 26: “Śambhavī mudrā, Transparent Eyeball”
Nov 30: “Digestive awareness Part 1 - in the heart, language, bindu”
Dec 28: “Digestive awareness Part 2 - eyebrow bindu”
2025 sessions (available for purchase):
Jan 25: “Digestive awareness Part 3 - I AM THAT”
Mar 1, Mar 29, Apr 26, May 31, Jun 28, Jul 26, Aug 30, Sep 27, Oct 25, Nov 29, Dec 27
“Shambhu, today I finaly had the opportunity to listen/watch the 30 November satsang on Digestive Awareness Part 1 while flying over the Atlantic. Thank you so much. I certainly look forward to the next one. I’m not sure how long it lasted. Could have been 15-20 minutes, could have been more, could have been less. I had an out of body/ out of time / out of my own consciousness moment.”
“The Digestive Awareness recording working with connecting the lower and upper cakras has been amazing and helped through some tough things that have come up around codependency to ground into my own space.”
“I would like to share my experience from the open eyed transmission practice on Saturday. I found the experience to be very tangible, easily digested, and immediately ‘grokked’, in a way I haven't experienced recently. The teaching was silent of course, but both energetic and conceptual.
The energy came from Shambu's third eye space, it was white and glowing, it entered my heart as a breath and flowed down my arms into my palms. There was a flushing downward through my central channel then a horizontal channel opened across the chest. There was warmth and love vibrating from my heart through my arms. My palms felt warm and I felt my heartbeat in them. I knew this wasn't my heart, but THE Heart. The Great Heart pulsing through my hands as Shakti. Creation living there, in my hands. Anything created, Hers.
The conceptual teaching transmission grew out of my study of the Oneness of Twoness. In this particular form of the teaching I learned the Twoness of Oneness which I had heard of, but hadn't experienced before in my own body and practice. I saw clearly how everything comes from that One. It was pointed out during this transmission.
This practice point changes so much. So much. It was so beautiful and clear and without any agenda, and I feel immense gratitude.I had beautiful intimacy the rest of the day with my family - something was fresh and new. Thank you!”
“I absolutely loved the class, Shambhu. We are so privileged.”
“I watched the December Digestive Awareness video and have been trying out the 30 second version of moving through the triangle to find the bindu within the bindu. Definitely feel at a higher level of consciousness.”