I teach free meditation classes three times a week via Zoom. Students on Kauai can attend in-person.

Practitioners of all levels are welcome. Email me or ping me on Facebook Messenger for the Zoom dial.

The 1-hour classes include breath awareness, mantra, guided meditation, open eye śakti transmission, and Q&A. The 2-hour class starts with a very brief guidance and the rest is reposing in stillness. 


Wednesdays 4.30pm HST (Hawaii Standard Time)/ 7.30pm PT/ 10.30pm ET

Fridays 9pm HST (for the Europe group but open of course to anybody for whom that time works)/ Saturdays 7am UK/ 8am Germany/ 9am Bulgaria


Saturdays 7am HST/ 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 5pm UK/ 6pm Germany/ 7pm Bulgaria